I need a break from writing about fashion.
As you might have read I work in retail. Well I don't think I wrote that I work there specifically, but I do. I love it there because the people I work with are just the best. Usually. Unless 2 people get mad at each other and cause problems, it's basically like highschool. A thing I don't like about working there is the customers. I'm sorry if you've ever had to deal with me on a bitchy mood at work, but honestly I don't like the customers. At all.
You probably just read that and you're like, Oh my god she just wrote that? Yes, I did.
So let me go on a rant about why I don't like the customers.
- Right when I walk into work with my Hello Kitty lunch box and water bottle, before I even have my name badge on, you ask me to do something. How do you even know that I work there and I'm not just someone carrying a lunch box with me? It's like they see me and target me. You ask me to get something out of the display case, get a shirt down, or ask some question you could have answered yourself if you thought about it. But you didn't, so you ask me. A majority of the time I'll smile and help you, but if you have a attitude acting like you deserve to have that Juicy purse down, I'm going to get snarky and say "You're welcome".
- If I'm working on doing the return rack, yes we do have a return rack but a majority of you people don't seem to comprehend that we do so you leave your clothes on the ground or just throw them near it. Did your mother raise you like a wild animal? No. So being the nice worker I am, aka I'm getting paid $7.50 an hour to make sure you have a good shopping experience, so I'm going to fake a smile and not make my comments about how you obviously don't know how to use a hanger, let alone know how to hang a shirt. I should just take a hanger and beat you with one because your parents should have when you started to not hang clothes.
- I don't mind if you bring your children into shop with you if they are well behaved and don't cry and howl like a screaming monkey. Don't get me wrong, I think kids are cute and adorable when their quiet but if your child is running around, screaming, knocking stuff down and just acting like a ratchet animal, please take your child OUTSIDE of the store and tell them to quiet down and have them calm down before you bring them back, if you do. Please understand that even though you are buying clothes, we're not a free daycare to watch your kids and to pick the clothes up the throw around.
- When I'm checking you out at the register, it would be appreciated if you have a set budget ahead of time that you tell me that, otherwise I'm going take all the senors off your clothes you want to buy, scan them and already have them bagged. If you change your mind at the last minute then I need to re-senor those things, void out those items and have a manager approve. Please think ahead of time.
- The last thing I hate about customers is when you continue to look around the store and shop even though you knoe that were closed or were about to in 5 minutes. PLEASE get the hint. That's why we turn the music off and start to vacuum, it might be hard for you to realize this but we have lives too outside of work, we don't really want to spend the whole night doing the list of closing things we need to do. (663)