Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Screw me now.

I am so screwed.

The last few days I've been sick with something along the lines of the flu and my body hurting. It sucks. Because of this I wasn't able to go to the Wiz Khalifa 2050 tour in Des Moines on Saturday. Urgh. (I was excited but then I was thinking, I'm kinda white to be going to a rap concert thats about 'rolling blunts' and 'spending thousands on hoes' because 'this is the high life') But I love his music, but I listened to his EPs and CD and got over it.
                   But because of this, I decided before I started throwing up that I was going to go to the bookstore and creep around and see what they had. Over a hour later, I was checked out and got 2 books, "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell" and the squel "Assholes Always Finish First". I'll post about those later.
                    Then I went to Target because they had really cute shoes that look exactly like Vans for $4.48, which I proceeded to buy 4 pairs. Which was a really good deal because I need more shoes to go with my outfits, and you can't even beat that price. So when I was walking to check out I was talking to this guy that worked there and said I should fill out a app to work there, and he was really hot so I couldn't resist myself and said I would. I still don't want to get a job. I'm such a bum.
                     Anyways, I proceeded to go home when that feeling hits you and you're like,
                    "Oh my god, I'm going to throw up, now."
                  So being the classy Cedar Rapidian that I am, I had a choice. Whether to roll my window down and get sick and look like Ke$ha, or hold it down. I held it down. I finally got home, took asprin, got sick and passed out. But the point is that since I've missed school, I've missed a ton of work. Literally, A TON. (And the guy I'm kinda in the friendzone with was filling me on what I missed, he's adorable)
                    So hopefully I'll have everything done so I can catch up and work on other things in my life. So how was your weekend? :) (386)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The not so sure friend zone.

What is the difference in these two?

I can tell you. So I should probably give you some information before I go on to my normal rants. I've known this one guy for a few years now, I met him when I was a sophomore and he was freshman. It was that he was a friend of a friend and then we became friends. Normally when this happens you gain a good guy friend, but  I gained a best friend. At one time we were flirting with each other until I found out he was talking to another girl I couldn't stand. At all. So I cut things off. Some months later we began talking and I apologized by cutting off the friendship saying that 'I just couldn't stand her' in reality, I liked you and didn't want to really put that out there. So when we began friends again he was in a relationship with a girl that hated me for no reason, looking back on it I think it was because I spent more time with her boyfriend then she did. Because of this I got to know him more and more and we were always flirting. 
                   You can judge me, but it's whatever. I can't hear your thoughts from your screen. 
So the girl wound up just treating him like shit, she would be like "I love you so much!" to "I don't want you hanging out with Ashley, at all." But we still did. So one night when we were texting I said
"Can I tell you something just between us?"
Him - "Sure anything"
"I don't know why your with her when she treats you like complete shit when I know you could be with me and I would treat you so much, I've liked you for over a year."
                     So when I was waiting for his text, my heart was going ovber 1,000 miles an hour. During this whole situation I was listening to the song "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift. And guess what happened.
"I've liked you too."
                  OH MY GOD.
Anyways, we had a fling over the summer. We have a class together this term and we talk every day. I've made it clear that I still like him alot. He's single and I'm single too. So we hung out today and I was telling him how he's amazing and blah blah blah and he replied the same. I also told him that I was going to ask him to homecoming this year because I didn't have a date, and he said I should of because he would have said yes.
                   Am I still in the friend zone?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Its not that hard to do something nice for someone.

And when I say someone, I mean my parents.

I know that from experience of having a love hate relationship with my parents, which every teenager has when growing up and maturing, that you should apericate what your parents do for you. 
                Wait, I sound like an old person reflecting on life when I say that.
                 But its true. I take for granted for what my parents do for me a lot of the time because I feel like it's expected for parents to do those things. For me, that would be my parents paying for me to have a phone, even though I do pay for a portion of that, they support me in whatever I do and they also make me food. Which is actually really good food, which means I need to start working out. Fat kid probs.
                Anyways, because of all of the things that they do everyday that I forgot to say a simple 'Thank you' to them, I decided to do things for them that I should do more often, as giving the dogs a bath. It sounds simple, but it's hard when they try to drink the soapy water and run around the house wiping their bodies on everything because their wet. (don't even ask). I then did the dishes and started the dishwasher and took the trash out from the bathrooms and in the kitchen, and picked up the house simple things like that.
              It actually means a lot to them.
              So if you're bored and just sitting there texting or on Facebook or Instagram, do something nice and help your parents out. Maybe they'll love you even more, decide to keep you and maybe even feed you tonight. Haha. :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Heres another reason I don't like Cedar Rapids

I have an another actual reason not to like Cedar Rapids

So I was bored today because on Sunday there really isn't too much to do, unless you have a ton of friends you can hang out with, which I don't really have and my friends were busy doing jobs and other things. My choices for this Sunday was to A.) Lay in bed, eat food, go back to bed and watch repeats of Jersey Shore or B.) Actually be inspired by something and find something to do besides be a bum. So, I chose to be inspired.
                      So I had bought these black, chunky, Candies heels from my ex-work place for about $6. I thought they would be a good closet staple piece, but I never really wear them. So I thought that I would get inspiration from a pair of Jeffrey Campbell shoes I wanted, I would buy them but I'm not going to throw $320 on a pair of heels, plus my parents would beat me..just kidding! But I thought I would be able to just go to Michael's and buy some studs and hot glue them on around they heel.
                        That's when life said, LOL no.
                     So I went to about 3 different craft and fabric stores today looking for spikes and studs, and none of them had them or even understood what I was talking about. So that kinda pissed me off but it's whatever. Cedar Rapids wouldn't carry studs to glue on stuff. Whatever. So when I finally got in my SUV I realize since I've been carrying around these heels, I lost one of the straps. Just awesome. So not only did I not get my studs, I lost a heel strap during my 'inspirational Sunday'.
                    Maybe I should have just went to church because I feel like this is karma kicking me in the ass.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

That Awkward Moment. Sneeze.

I hate the cold and flu season.

I really love fall because of the leaves crunching under my feet, the crisp smell when you walk outside, and of course the pumpkin lattes. But theres one thing I hate about fall.

Colds and sneezing.

It sucks. Horribly. I'm one of those lucky people who get sinus infections and colds throughout the year. Which comes with the sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and just that look you get when you look like a hot mess. So usually when I have a cold or sinus problems, I take cold pills and asprin and I should be fine. But not today.

I went home yesterday after 4th hour because I felt like my head was about to explode, my face was swollen, my eyes were red and watery and I kept sneezing. I don't know about you but I hate when it's awkward when you have to get up in the middle of class to get a kleenex to blow your nose and everyone watches your every single move. So I went home, took cold pills, ate soup and passed out. (Not literally passed out on cold pills but passed out because I felt awful and slept.)

So I thought I was going to be okay this morning because I felt great and everything was good until I walk into the school. My nose hurts and tingles. And it's that feeling you're about to sneeze but can't constantly, so my eyes get red and water. Ugh. I hate that because I'm walking through the hallways and I feel like people think I'm crying because my eyes are red, I'm almost in tears and I'm sniffling. No. I have a cold. Really.

So in this moment I can happily say that I can't wait for the cold months to be over with so I don't have to deal with my nasal issues. Sniff. (318)

What I Think Of Smoking Pot

 Before you read this post, I am not encouraging or discouraging people to try the drug marijuana.

I have heard about everything arguement in the books about marjiuana, aka pot, weed, bud. Some people want it to be legal while others want it to be illegal. I personally have my opinon on it but I don't want to influence you from you reading this. I'm friends with smokers and non-smokers alike and I've heard both views, so I want to know your view.

The points below are some of the reasons people want pot to be legal.
  • It would bring the economy up because we would be able to tax it and our economy is horrible.
  • It shouldn't be illegal because it's just a plant, and plants are eco-friendly
  • It would help our relationship with Mexico because that's where a majority of drug leaders buy it, which would help with the problem of illegal shipping
  • The police wouldn't have to patrol it as much because it would be legal so they could focus on other crimes that are more important.
  • It doesn't cause an addiction, it just makes you laugh, be happy and lose track of time.
Here are the points below of some reasons that people want pot to stay illegal.
  • Because there are alot of dangerous side effects
  • Being could drive udner the influence and possibly kill someone
  • It's not good for your body long term because to smoke you're inhaling hot smoke which burns your lungs
  • Because people don't want to see people stoned walking around causing problems and trouble for other people
  • It inhibts brain functions
Those are some of the reasons that people want it to be legal and illegal. Personally, I can see a bit on each side of their views because it could cause some dangerous side effects because you don't know how're your going to react, but then again people have been smoking this plant for years and no one has died directly from smoking. These are my thoughts though, so everyone might not agree with me. I also think that if they legalize it, that would be great so the goverment and police could focus on more important crimes, because in Colorado and Chicago if you're caught with less then a gram of weed, they can give you a ticket but you won't be arreseted and sent to jail. But on the illegal hand, if they legalize pot, when are they going to draw the lines on other drugs such as herione, meth, and cocaine? (424)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

How is Makeup Fake?

How does makeup make you fake?

I see comments all the time on Facebook bashing girls who wear makeup every day or sometimes wear a little too much. I understand that it’s a hobby to most, and some girls wouldn’t dare leave their houses without it. If you do rely on makeup to feel better about yourself,
                  I don’t see a problem. 
                  I really don’t see a problem with that. Some days I can go out with no makeup on and be fine, but for the girls who use it as a confidence boost, what is so wrong with that? 
                   It's like your favorite pair of jeans. You always feel better when you’re wearing them because it’s one less thing you have to worry doesn’t look good on you. 
                   But aside from makeup being a confidence boost, a lot of people, like myself, use it as a creative outlet. It’s FUN. I’m sorry if my hobby is not as intellectually stimulating as you being in the advanced pre-calc classes or being in a club or sport, but that is how I enjoy myself. 
                    Anyways, I’m sick of hearing people go on and on about how fake people who wear makeup are, or how insecure they are, or how lesser of a person they are. (214)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I Skipped 1st Hour for UGGs

749I really don't like school, but I like UGGs.

This is something probably that every teenagers and even college kid say at least once in their school career. But I really don't like school. At all.

                    I usually don't complaion all the time, actually, I do complain some times, actually I do but today is different.  I was supposed to go to my first hour like I normally do, but I saw this pair of UGGs on eBay about a week ago and I've been checking the price about every 1 to 4 hours. So I thought the bidding was supposed to end today at 12:13 pm. Which would have worked perfect because my 4th hour teacher would have just let me left early, but I checked last night and it was 8:13 am.
                    The time difference really threw me off. Which makes me mad too but I'm not going to rant about that. So I had to make a decision, either go to class like a good kid and not win the UGGs, OR figure out a way to stay home until atleast 8:15 am. So being the responsible student that I am, I made up some story to my mom last night about how the laptop wasn't working right and not saving my paper. For the record, my paper was done so don't judge me thinking I don't do my homework. Because I do. Sometimes. Anyways, she believed me and I got to watch the finale of Teen Mom last night.
                     Before I continue with my morning, let me tell you about my first hour class I don't like. I don't like it because it's Spainsh 1 and all the other kids my age are in Spainsh 4 or even AP Spainish, so I'm basically in a room with freshmen. Besides that, I'm never early or on time to my first hour because I like sleep. The most frustrating part of this class is the fact the teacher does not like me. At all. I think I don't like her because she doesn't like me because I don't like her because I know she doesn't like I don't come to class.
                     So I had it all planned out this morning about how I was going to tell my Dad about how the laptop still wasn't working, I was ready to go to school but I made a big deal about how 'frustrating' it was for the laptop not too work to 'send this file' and 'it won't attach to the file of blahblahblah'. My Dad isn't too smart about the computer, so he was basically feeling bad for me because it wasn't working. My Dad works the nightyard shift (6 pm to 6am) so he usually goes to bed after I'm already for school. So around 8 am he said he hoped it work and went to bed.
                   Here I am already to outbid whoever was bidding me, and I kept refreshing the page until it was around the last 20 seconds. So I put my bid in which was around $5 more than the person had bid. When I submit my bid, the page comes up saying I had already been outbid. So I frantically tried to put my new bid in and the auction was over.
                  That's just awesome. It's not like I was going to be late for 1st hour because someone got a pair of shoes I wanted. Whatever. So being the good daughter I am, I told my Dad and said I fixed it and I was off to school. He was already asleep so he didn't hear me.
                 When I was pulling out of the driveway this guy texts me, (We've both been in the friendzone together, either he's single when I'm with someone or I'm single when he's dating this girl I don't like. At all) saying 'Hey can you give me a ride today? :)' Well, of course I'm going to give him a ride and he doesn't live that far from me. So I gave him a ride and we talked basically about nothing. So by the time I dropped him off it was 8:39 am. There was no point going in for first hour. So I went to Burger King and got a large Mango smoothie. Then went to math class. And avoided the spainsh teacher all day and also the attendance guy, I'm surprised I haven't got called in yet.
                So how was your morning? (749)