Wednesday, October 17, 2012

That Awkward Moment. Sneeze.

I hate the cold and flu season.

I really love fall because of the leaves crunching under my feet, the crisp smell when you walk outside, and of course the pumpkin lattes. But theres one thing I hate about fall.

Colds and sneezing.

It sucks. Horribly. I'm one of those lucky people who get sinus infections and colds throughout the year. Which comes with the sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and just that look you get when you look like a hot mess. So usually when I have a cold or sinus problems, I take cold pills and asprin and I should be fine. But not today.

I went home yesterday after 4th hour because I felt like my head was about to explode, my face was swollen, my eyes were red and watery and I kept sneezing. I don't know about you but I hate when it's awkward when you have to get up in the middle of class to get a kleenex to blow your nose and everyone watches your every single move. So I went home, took cold pills, ate soup and passed out. (Not literally passed out on cold pills but passed out because I felt awful and slept.)

So I thought I was going to be okay this morning because I felt great and everything was good until I walk into the school. My nose hurts and tingles. And it's that feeling you're about to sneeze but can't constantly, so my eyes get red and water. Ugh. I hate that because I'm walking through the hallways and I feel like people think I'm crying because my eyes are red, I'm almost in tears and I'm sniffling. No. I have a cold. Really.

So in this moment I can happily say that I can't wait for the cold months to be over with so I don't have to deal with my nasal issues. Sniff. (318)

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