Saturday, October 6, 2012

How is Makeup Fake?

How does makeup make you fake?

I see comments all the time on Facebook bashing girls who wear makeup every day or sometimes wear a little too much. I understand that it’s a hobby to most, and some girls wouldn’t dare leave their houses without it. If you do rely on makeup to feel better about yourself,
                  I don’t see a problem. 
                  I really don’t see a problem with that. Some days I can go out with no makeup on and be fine, but for the girls who use it as a confidence boost, what is so wrong with that? 
                   It's like your favorite pair of jeans. You always feel better when you’re wearing them because it’s one less thing you have to worry doesn’t look good on you. 
                   But aside from makeup being a confidence boost, a lot of people, like myself, use it as a creative outlet. It’s FUN. I’m sorry if my hobby is not as intellectually stimulating as you being in the advanced pre-calc classes or being in a club or sport, but that is how I enjoy myself. 
                    Anyways, I’m sick of hearing people go on and on about how fake people who wear makeup are, or how insecure they are, or how lesser of a person they are. (214)

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