I am so screwed.
The last few days I've been sick with something along the lines of the flu and my body hurting. It sucks. Because of this I wasn't able to go to the Wiz Khalifa 2050 tour in Des Moines on Saturday. Urgh. (I was excited but then I was thinking, I'm kinda white to be going to a rap concert thats about 'rolling blunts' and 'spending thousands on hoes' because 'this is the high life') But I love his music, but I listened to his EPs and CD and got over it.But because of this, I decided before I started throwing up that I was going to go to the bookstore and creep around and see what they had. Over a hour later, I was checked out and got 2 books, "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell" and the squel "Assholes Always Finish First". I'll post about those later.
Then I went to Target because they had really cute shoes that look exactly like Vans for $4.48, which I proceeded to buy 4 pairs. Which was a really good deal because I need more shoes to go with my outfits, and you can't even beat that price. So when I was walking to check out I was talking to this guy that worked there and said I should fill out a app to work there, and he was really hot so I couldn't resist myself and said I would. I still don't want to get a job. I'm such a bum.
Anyways, I proceeded to go home when that feeling hits you and you're like,
"Oh my god, I'm going to throw up, now."
So being the classy Cedar Rapidian that I am, I had a choice. Whether to roll my window down and get sick and look like Ke$ha, or hold it down. I held it down. I finally got home, took asprin, got sick and passed out. But the point is that since I've missed school, I've missed a ton of work. Literally, A TON. (And the guy I'm kinda in the friendzone with was filling me on what I missed, he's adorable)
So hopefully I'll have everything done so I can catch up and work on other things in my life. So how was your weekend? :) (386)