Until you see the music video.

This is how I feel about the song, "Kids" by MGMT. I never had really listened to their music before, let alone heard of them until one day I was getting ready in the bathroom for school and Pandora chose to play it. I automatically fell in love with it. The song reminds me of the music of H&M and just wants to make you dance. And not the, 'I'm-trying-way-too-hard-notice-me' or the 'I-don't-know-what-the-hell-I'm-doing' dance either. But just as if you could do whatever you please and still look good and decent.
But one time I made the mistake to look up the music video.
And all I can say is when I watched it I couldn't stop watching it because it's just so weird. It first shows a baby crying in a crib and these creepy monster hands are trying to grab it so it's freaking out, than it flashes to his mom is picking him up. And his mom reminds me of a celebrity mom who doesn't really care about her kid because he's just loud and crying because when she's carrying him around, he keeps seeing all of these creepy monsters and messed up faces. It's so creepy. Than it turns into someone's drawings and how the baby is running from these monsters in his life and a hand grabs him and he thinks he's safe, just to have his hand turn out to be a bunch of monsters.
After being creeped out but still interested, I thought about maybe what the music video was trying to show is that either
A) This kid has been introduced to drugs that make him have these visions because his mom is a celebrity and does drugs so it's effecting him
B) He's just having bad dreams.
C) It's showing society how everything is turn to scary trash and it's taking over our youth and scaring them.
D) Watch this video and you'll never have to worry about doing LSD because you can just watch this! (388)
Here's the link.
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